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  • Img 2509
  • Img 2510
  • Img 3019
  • Img 3020
  • TV
  • Wardrobe
  • Air conditioning
  • Internet included
  • Near a subway
  • Bed
  • Patio / Balcony
  • Washing machine
  • Electricity included
  • Near a bus station
  • Desk
  • Private bathroom
  • Dishwasher
  • Heat included
  • Near a park
Furnished glyphFurnished
Animals glyphPets not allowed
Smoking glyphSmoking not permitted
Language glyphEnglish
Gender glyphMan
Rent type glyphHouse

The room is available from the 16/03/2016 until the 16/04/2016

1 private bedroom available weekly at Commercial/Broadway

One room available NOW for $150 a week at Commercial/Broadway Skytrain.
My mate and I have a room that we would like to rent to some super chill backpacker, traveller, or simply some great people with no dramas and great vibes! Instead of going monthly I rather go weekly to start with so we see if we get along first, also it can be very convenient for travellers etc...
So a bit about the place, for $150 a week you got internet, Shaw cable, laundry, private room, deck on the outside, 30 sec walk from commercial/Broadway skytrain and more!
The house is in my name and divided in two separate suites of 3 bedrooms each. We live in the bottom one which is like a garden suite (similar to a basement suite but with windows), we both are from France but lived in Oz and around the world for the last 7 years (we're both 26y.o), we are very chill and relax, work hospo so late hours (if your work hours are the classic Monday to Friday from 9 to 5 you might wanna consider looking elsewhere, unless once again you are very easy going!), we wake up around 11-12 and go to bed anywhere between 2 and 4 am. Inside is 420 friendly, but no tobacco (this is outside if u want), no heavy drinking nor parties, although we're big music lovers especially electro and reggae and always playing some! We are very present in the cannabis community, I do photography, Chris works at the New Amsterdam and more so be very cool with that or ideally share it with us! Forget about the stereotype stoner that does nothing, I'm very active and ambitious!
So basically that's it guys! If u're looking for a room, for a week or more and this kinda struck a chord with ya let me know, I'm so looking forward to meeting you!
Any question fire away! You can move in tonight!
Cheers all thanks for your time,
One Love


Salut les gars, je suis un mec du québec qui recherche une place pour l'été a vancouver. Je serrais disponible pour prendre la chambre le plus tôt possible et si tout vas bien je devrais rester jusqu'a la mi-août. Je vais très probablement reprendre mon job dans un resto, The Foundation. Donc a ce qui attrait au life style de l'appartement je pense être un bon candidat. Au plaisir de cohabiter.

HAHA found your guys add while looking for a place!

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$465 / MONTH
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Ad made by Antoine V.
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